Maeda Yuuka's 2nd Photobook announced "see you-karin"
At fist the title confused me. "see you-karin" who's karin?? I got the see you part~ but not the Karin part. After saying the title over and over again, i realized the title. Yuuka's nick name is Yuukarin. so the title has her nickname in it. I found the title really cool for that.
The title Already explains it self, with the see you part. This will be Yuuka's 2nd and last PB. Even though her graduation is on 12/30 I find it cool that she is coming out with a new PB. I hope Fans think of this as a momentum of Yuuka, and her Graduation ceremony. Maybe she'll have T-shits and a group PB, like they did for Ai-chan. I'm not sure they will, mots likely not. But i hope fans enjoy this New PB of Yuuka. It's set to release on 12/20
Mano Erina's New single "Doki Doki Baby/Tasogare Kousaten "
Mano erina's New single "Doki Doki Baby/Tasogare Kousaten " will be released on 2/22.
The song translate to "Heart Pounding Baby/Twilight Intersection" This will be Mano Erina's first Double single.
The part of the single "Doki Doki Baby" seems like it may have a nice upbeat to it, Which i'm excited to hear! I wonder what the costume and dance will look for that one. As for "Twilight Kousaten" maybe it will be like berryz Koubou"s "Ryuusei Boy" with the space theme, Either that or a sad depressed song. Which doesn't seem like a H!P song.
Either way, IM excited to hear the Songs, and Can't wait to hear a Radio Rip soon.
S/mileage "Please Miniskirt Postwomen" dance practice video uploaded by S/mileageChannel
I really like the sound of the preview. I wish when the song is released English lyrics will come out soon~!
But i heard Tomodachi in there so the song may mention a friend in there a few times. And i think i heard kawaii not sure, because oh how it echoes. But I think Fans will be happy that S/mileage uploaded this video.
I think the dance was different, but wonderful, the purses were falling apart a little bit though, maybe those aren't what they will use in the MV, Those may be for just rehearsal. I cant wait to see the costumes for it. I'm so excited to see the MV now.
I also really like how the 2nd generation members got solo lines this time. But, when i watching it i wondered if Meimi Tamura was the leader of the 2nd Generation like Kudo Haruka is for Morning Musume's 10th Generation. I was thinking that because S/mileages leader , Ayaka Wada, And Meimi were singing in the beginning. One Thing I want to point out, I think Kana needs to practice more on her dancing, I think if she keeps trying and works even harder she will be a great dancer, but that's it her singing was great.
I hope S/mileage will do this again, because it's better than a radio rip for many reasons. One is, We get to see the dance and how hard the girls work. The second is We get to see who is singing, winch we normally don't get to see in a radio rip, unless it's color coded or something. Overall i like the PV and I hope to see more videos like this in the future, and the single gets released on Yuuka's birthday, 12/28.
Tell us your favorite H!P member by selecting one of the four members listed. The H!P member with the most votes, will be featured on our next blog banner. So please vote and tell your friends about S/mile Berryz Koubou that way our blog can become popular and be one everybody comes to for H!P information ^^
Mano Erina will be in a movie titled Waga Haha no Ki (Eng: The chronicles of my mother).
Her character helps to take care of another character’s mother. The movie won a special jury award at the 35th Montreal World Film Festival in Canada this past Sunday, and is going to be released in 2012 during Golden Week.
IN this Movie Erina isn't the main character, which i find a little upset, but that's good, because she just came out with a movie not to long ago. Which gives her time for Maybe a new single soon. For some reason Berryz Koubou and Mano Erina haven't released a new single for a while, but that's understanding.
I find it upsetting that Erina inst mentioned on the official site for the movie, or in the movie trailer. that just shows how minor of a character she is. But since she's busy with performances and etc. all fans can understand that, like i had said before. But i look forward to see her in another movie.
I kept meaning to make a review on the S/mileage 2nd generation audition, so I guess here it is~
First i want to say don't get upset with my opinion. Second This review will be long.
First off, i want to say Kana is one of my favorite 2nd generation s/mileage member. But in this video she cant really sing. She now the lyrics, and she can sing good, but i think the reason she seems bad in this video is because she was nervous. If she was more confident I think she would have sang a lot better. But What happened is what happened. I'm just glad she made it into S/mileage.
Rina's audition really stunned me, i had no idea she could sing that good. I fell like she was also nervous thats why i feel like she may have mumbled a bit. But Other that that, she was good. I only thing that was wrong is that the you tube video says Katuta not Katsuta.
Akari is just like Rina. They were both Hello! project eggs, so i think it's great they made it into S/mileage.
When i first say the Audition videos i posted this comment:
she's one of the few sub-members who can sing :DD
Yurina Kumai E-Hello DVD "A day in Autumn" PV released.
Fomr what i can tell~ the video will be all outdoors ~ and it's going to be another smile and walk type of DVD, which i'm kinda bummed about. I think Yurina should be getting a DVD like Momoko's. (below) But i cause not. But Fans will still be happy to see Yurina get a DVD since she hasn't released anything within a year.
Momoko Tsugunaga E-Hello DVD PV released
The begging of the vidoe made me laugh, for all momo-chii lovers it said.
This is one E-Hello DVD i want to get, It has dialogue and i think it may have some laughs in it. I wish all E-Hello DVDs were like this. One reason is, it has a purpose and it's not just a stare and the camera and smile type of DVD. I hope all Momoko Lovers buy this DVD
Gomennasai film- 2 DVD editions : regular and deluxe one. Deluxe with a special DVD with footages and a kind of booklet. All 3 will release on Febuary 18, 2012. !!!
DVD & Blu-ray Release Date: 18/02/2012 (2012年2月18日)
Berryz Koubou Are Going AnimeNEXT In New Jersey, USA 2012
The last time Berryz Koubou Came to america was inApril 22-24 2011.
The girls had a lot of fun, and said they hoped to go to america again soon~! But the girls would be on the other side of the US, because last time they went to Seattle, Washington. and now their going to New Jersey!
Let's hope hello store USA, will give us details like last time when the girls came to america. I bet fans are hoping that they will have autograph sessions, and a Q&A like last time.